Hello everyone,
We will soon post the first chapter of Book 2! I hope you'll like it and don't hesitate to stop by here to discuss about this sequel!
Working on the translation, I came across some funny things that I wanted to share with you.
Don't worry it's not really a spoiler, but it seems like everyone in Jingcheng wether they're good or bad, know that our fav' Chen Yu Zhi is the kindest human being and every time, each person will find a new way to describe CYZ's personality 🤣!!
In chapter 21 one someone would describe Chen Yu Zhi as làn hǎo rén (烂好人) which can be translated as "Someone who tries to be on good terms with everyone".
Not super convinced by this description I looked a little bit more about the meaning behind these characters on the Internet and found on forum reference.com that the meaning was actually truly beautiful (like everything concerning Chen Yu Zhi in that novel🤗…) In the forum they explained that:
Lan Hao Ren means a person who always tries to be helpful, sometimes even at too high of a cost, but fails to distinguish those in urgent need from those who just want to use him.
This person may feel it hard to refuse requests of people and can be considered as overly self-sacrificing.
Can you feel how much these words describes perfectly our favorite Chen Yu Zhi? 💜And this time it’s a bad guy who describes him like this… Even the thugs recognize the beauty of his character!
It seems like there is no specific word in English for that concept so I decided to go with “Good Samaritan.” Hope it will be okay.
On the other hand and in another chapter, Jiang Yue Lou found a new name for Zhao Jingming which is wēn shén (瘟神) which can be translated as "The Plague" or and this one is my favorite "Demon personifying pestilence"🤣🤣🤣
Jiang Yue Lou creativity has no limit!😂 And I don't think there is better word to describe Zhao Jingming!
Not everyone is lucky as CYZ when it comes to nickname! 🤣 (could it be simply because no one deserves such beautiful words as much as him ? 😇)
I also hope everything is alright with them.
And thanks, really happy that you love it. 🥰